RBSIC silicon carbide ceramic shaft rod
Refractory ssic silicon carbide rod for hanging the ceramic spoons to be sintered.


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High temperature SiC silicon carbide rod RBSIC silicon carbide ceramic shaft rod

Material: Silicon carbide ceramic

Silicon carbide, exceedingly hard, synthetically produced crystalline compound of silicon and carbon. Its chemical formula is SiC. Since the late 19th century silicon carbide has been an important material for sandpapers, grinding wheels, and cutting tools. More recently, it has found application in refractory linings and heating elements for industrial furnaces, in wear-resistant parts for pumps and rocket engines, and in semiconducting substrates for light-emitting diodes.


Advantages of SiC carbide rod

• Hardness
• Mechanical strength
• Variable electrical resistivity
• Distinct properties that can be tailored
• High temperature strength
• Wear Resistance
• High Thermal Conductivity
• Corrosion Resistance


Applications of silicon cabide ceramics

1. High-Purity Carbon and Graphite Products
2.  CEPURE In-Line Gas Filters
3.  Vacuum-Break Filters
4. SAPPHAL High-Purity Translucent Alumina Ceramics
5. ADS High-Purity Alumina Ceramics
6. High-Purity Silicon Parts

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